Craniosacral Training in Esslingen- Dates and Costs

This Craniosacral Training consists of 6 course modules (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6) taught by Elke Angermann, a certified teacher by the German Association for Craniosacral Therapy.

The modules are designed to build on each other, each being a pre-requisite for the following module, and together they form the integral course. I’m offering different booking options, please see below.

Minimum number of participant: 6
Maximum number of participants in module 1-2: 8- 14 + repeater
Maximum number of participants in module 3-4: 22 + repeater
Maximum number of participants in module 5-6: 22

Course Dates for 2023 – 2026

Module 1:                           Wed 25.10.23 – Mon 30.10.23
Module 2:                           Wed 20.03.24 – Mon 25.03.24,
plus  Frid 21.06. 24 – Sat    22.06.24
Module 3:                           Wed 06.11.24 – Mon 11.11.24
Module 4:                           Wed 26.03.25 – Mon 31.03.25
Module 5:                           Wed 10.09.25 – Mon 15.09.25
Module 6:                           Wed 25.03.26 – Mon 31.03.26

Class times:
On the first day class starts at 2 pm. All other days, class starts at 7:30 am and ends ~ 8:30pm – 9:30 pm.
On the last day it ends around 2:30 pm. My suggestion for students with a long journey is to arrive the day before.

Training costs and payment options:

Full training costs, modules 1-6, 4760 €
Deposit:150 € to be paid after registration (all prices below include the deposit).

Option 1
Full training costs: 4760 €, pay by 25.08.23

Other options, pay by modules:

Option 2 (2 Modules at a time)
Module 1-2: 1,440 €, pay by 25.08.2023
Module 3-4: 1,580 €, pay by 06.09.2024
Module 5-6: 1,580 €, pay by 10.07.2025

Repeaters discount : 25% off of course fee

Additional training costs to be paid later are:
120 € for 60 min Supervision session with Elke after Module 2
120 € for first practical exam after Module 4

120 € for 60 min practical exam with Elke after Module 6
plus 2 extra days (21.6. and 22.6.24)

Note: Each student will also need to receive 15 Craniosacral Therapy sessions from a qualified Craniosacral Therapist.

To apply please complete the online application form.

Extra cost

Accommodation, cost for food and travel is not included in the course price and will need to be covered by yourself.

Cost for Food

Nadi will be providing all meals for the duration of the course.  She has been cooking for course participants at Vöckelsbach’s for many years and has been praised for her delicious vegetarian meals. Only vegetarian meals will be served.

In 2024, the cost of 220 € is for 3 meals a day plus tea & coffee for all 6 course days, plus breakfast on departure day. 

If you have any dietary requirements and/or food allergies, please let us know when registering for the course so that these can be catered for.