A warm welcome to you!

School for Craniosacral Therapy (CST)

Craniosacral therapy and energy healing in Stuttgart

                                                                                                                                                                           Background image: Stuttgart oak grove at the end of Isolde-Kurz-Straße

Glad you found me! My name is Elke Angermann. I am a recognised craniosacral therapy teacher and acknowledged school with the Craniosacral Association of Germany (CSVD). I’m also a alternative healing practitioner.
I give individual sessions and teach trauma-informed craniosacral therapy.

Craniosacral Therapy Training in Esslingen am Neckar (near Stuttgart/Germany).

NEW: 3 Day Online Introduction to Craniosacral Therapy


Isolde-Kurz-Straße 22
70619 Stuttgart
From 2024 also in Esslingen

Sessions by prior appointment.
Please email or phone to schedule a session.